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Resolutions Dos and Don'ts: What Are You Really Going to Do in 2014?

January 3, 2014 Leave a comment dridrive
Whether you call them resolutions, goals, or aspirations, we’ve all got them.  And while about 45 percent of us make them official, in the form of resolutions for the New Year, only 8 percent actually achieve our goals.

That’s quite a statistic, and it could be quite an alarming one if resolutions are work-related and tied to your continuity program.  So, let’s take a minute to look at why the vast majority of resolutions go unrealized and what you should and should not do to make yours stick.

DON’T fall under the spell of “delusional development,” says Tasha Eurich, Ph.D., author of Happy People, Bottom-Line Results, and the Power to Deliver Both. Delusional development, she explains in this article, “is the futile hope that you will get better at something just because you want to.”  Hope is not a plan, and improving a skill requires more than desire; you need a solid strategy.  So, if you want to improve communication with top management or raise awareness of BCP in the organization, come up with plan to help you do it.

DON’T be all over the place.  There may be a million ways to improve yourself and your program and they’re probably across the board.  But don’t hinder yourself by choosing disparate goals – “I want to be a better listener, conduct two major exercises, and revamp the BIA process.”  Instead, focus your energy.  Choose the one goal that will give you the biggest payoff and stick with it. Meet that goal, and then move on to the next one, rather than attempting to tackle them all at once.

DO get in the habit.  Translate your goals into specific behaviors and make those behaviors habits.  Set aside a certain amount of time at the same time every day to work on your goal.  If it becomes automatic and habitual, you’re a lot more likely to become part of the 8 percent who succeed.

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