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Save the Date: International Day for Disaster Reduction – Oct. 13, 2016!

September 9, 2016 Leave a comment dridrive

unisdr-live-to-tellMark your calendars: The International Day for Disaster Reduction will be held Oct. 13, 2016, and it’s a great time for organizations around the world to share their experiences reducing mortality and improving health outcomes following disasters.

This year, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) campaign is Live to Tell: Raising Awareness, Reducing Mortality. It provides an advocacy platform to all governments, disaster management agencies, NGOs, Red Cross societies, civil society groups, businesses, academic and scientific institutions, and other interested groups to demonstrate support for implementation of the Sendai Framework and to highlight life-saving achievements and challenges in 2016.

The goal of the campaign: to create a wave of awareness about actions taken to reduce mortality around the world.

On Oct. 13, use the hashtags #IDDR2016 and #switch2sendai on social media and share how you and your organization are reaching out to make the community more risk-aware. The UNISDR will share your stories, photographs and videos online through its social media channels, and PreventionWeb. You can send submissions to

Click here to download the campaign, learn more about the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and other resources.


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