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How The FaceTime Bug Puts Business At Risk – Chloe Demrovsky for Forbes

January 30, 2019 Leave a comment DRI Admin

“What should leaders actually do to maintain trust? To use something practical and immediate, let’s take the case of the bug within Apple’s popular FaceTime app (sometimes cleverly referred to as the “FacePalm” bug). It’s pretty much a guarantee that someone in your network is using an off-the-shelf iPhone, even if your team is using desk phones or secure, company-supplied devices. It’s even more likely that many of your suppliers, vendors, and customers are using the popular devices, since iPhones account for 43.9% of smartphones in the U.S., 46.5% in the U.K., 44.9% in Australia, and 54.7% in Japan.

“Is the FaceTime bug a threat to your business? Maybe. Could it also be an opportunity to demonstrate leadership and foster trust? Certainly.”

DRI President and CEO offers business continuity takeaways from the FaceTime bug for Forbes. Click here to read more.

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