DRI Speaking Engagements: Oct. 7, 2019
We speak at numerous industry events around the globe and engage with our community in a variety of ways. Find out where you can meet DRI at these upcoming events.
With more than 1,200 attendees and nearly 100 exhibitors, the previous SMRP event was record-breaking. DRI Foundation President Al Berman will present at the 2019 conference on “Internet of Things devices pose a threat whose consequences can be dire.”
The Contingency Planning Exchange (CPE) and Continuity Insights are partnering again to combine their respective Fall 2019 conferences into one comprehensive, single-day educational event. Attendees will benefit from keynote and breakout sessions discussing a wide range of topics in resilience, continuity, disaster recovery, crisis management, and more to expand their horizons and realize their full potential as they strive to build the ultimate resilient organization.
1st Annual Resilience Congress
10/23/2019 London, United Kingdom
Hosted by DRI UK partner Resilience Association, the 1st Annual Resilience Congress provides a comprehensive programme for resilience professionals globally featuring notable speakers such as Lyndon Bird, DRI Chief Knowledge Officer.
DRI BJ2019 Asia Conference
10/24/2019 – 10/25/2019 Beijing, China
The DRI International Asia Conference is an annual business continuity management event hosted by DRI’s affiliates in various countries in Asia. The mission of the conferences is to provide a platform for professionals of business continuity management (BCM) development and practice in Asia to exchange thoughts and ideas, and share experiences. This DRI BJ2019 Asia Conference is a returning conference following DRI BJ2015 and DRI BJ2017 Asia Conferences in China and will feature Chloe Demrovsky, President and CEO of DRI International who will give the opening address.
At present, the world economy is slowing down, protectionism and unilateralism are intensifying, instability and uncertainty are increasing, and external risks at the national level and in all walks of life are rising. After experiencing long-term high-speed growth and the transformation of the international economic situation, China’s economic development has entered an adjustment period, and the prevention and mitigation of risks have become the consensus of all industries, including many national regulatory authorities.
The possible ‘black swan’ event is not out of our radar yet, and the ‘grey rhinoceros’ risk is on the horizon. How can enterprises build their own business continuity management system to effectively cope with the threat brought by the ‘black swan’ incident, and at the same time prevent the ‘grey rhinoceros’ from happening? The above consideration has become a top priority for corporate leadership. This DRI regional conference is timely and provides the perfect opportunity for business continuity management professionals from all industries in China to learn from international colleagues’ experiences, as well as exchange their own experiences in China, and find a suitable way for China’s business continuity management development for its economic and social needs.
DRI Webinar – The Future of Resilience: Trends and Predictions for Professionals in Asia
10/29/2019 – On the Web
Join DRI for a discussion of the latest trends and issues facing resilience professionals. Patrick Alcantara will discuss the latest risks and resilience trends in Asia and Oceania from our Future Vision Committee. In his presentation, he will give an overview of the most pressing economic and political concerns facing resilience professionals. Patrick will be joined by Lim Sek Seong of Marsh Risk Consulting who will share their perspective on the risk and organizational landscape and trends in the region.
El Foro ARISE México
10/29/2019 – 10/30/2019 Mexico City, Mexico
El Foro ARISE México, promoverá la Resiliencia como uno de los valores más representativos de la sostenibilidad en los negocios y en el que se darán cita actores clave pertenecientes a instituciones del Sector Privado, Público, Académico y otros organismos de México y América Latina.
El presidente y CEO de DRI Chloe Demrovsky presentará el siguiente tema: La importancia de la capacidad de resiliencia en los entornos construidos
DRI President and CEO Chloe Demrovsky will be part of a discussion panel on Business Continuity and Emergency Preparedness for Real Estate Managers.
International Disaster Response Expo 2019
12/03/2019 – 12/04/2019 Kensington, London, United Kingdom
International Disaster Response Expo (IDR) tackles some of the most challenging threats to our nations whether man made or natural disasters. It is the most important event dedicated to humanitarian aid and disaster relief. With a highly focused audience uniting in London to drive innovation and help support development programmes and emergency aid, it is an unique opportunity to network, collaborate and build lasting relationship. This conference will specifically explore UK’s best practice initiatives and how countries plan, response and recover from critical incidents.
Join DRI Chief Knowledge Office Lyndon Byrd in a panel discussion on: Looking forwards, the crises of tomorrow? He will also be chairing the morning keynote session on December 4.