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Why The Business Impact Of The Coronavirus Will Linger—And What To Do About It – Chloe Demrovsky for Forbes

March 3, 2020 Leave a comment DRI Admin

“Why are markets so spooked? The economic concerns are not so much about the virus itself. They are about the prolonged impact of supply shortages paired with wavering consumer confidence and reduced spending due to response measures. With case numbers growing in Italy, supply chain fears increase. The spread of Covid-19 and attempts to contain it are now affecting European industrial hubs as well manufacturing in China, South Korea and Japan, which could cause prolonged shortages across a variety of sectors. As for the U.S., it’s a matter of when, not if. Are we prepared?”

DRI President and CEO Chloe Demrovsky addresses the resilience community and its pandemic preparedness status for Forbes. Click here to read more.

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