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UN Global Assessment Report Issues Call for Papers

August 18, 2020 Leave a comment DRI Admin

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has issued a Call for Contributing Papers addressing risk and sustainability as part of its upcoming UN Global Assessment Report (GAR) for 2022, due by Sept. 4.

Published every three years, the GAR is a result of contributions by public and private organizations worldwide, taking stock of global progress in implementing the targets and priorities of the Sendai Framework, with the goal of supporting risk reduction.

The Call for Contributing Papers is meant to add further regional and cultural research, insights, and perspectives to add to the four main parts of the GAR:

  1. Reaching the Target – Realizing the outcome, goal and targets of the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda and risk-informed sustainable development
  2. Unpacking and revealing characteristics of vulnerability, exposure, and managing systemic risks
  3. Risk informed decision making in the context of uncertainty, and
  4. Managing and governing systemic risks – emergent solutions.

Common themes requested as part of the Call for Contributing Papers include:

  • Synergies and trade-offs in pursuing risk resilient development pathways
  • No more magic numbers – managing uncertainty and assessing systemic risks
  • Beyond risk data and information – how human behavior drives decision making
  • Societal transitions and systems-level transformations in managing systemic risk, and
  • Navigating new normal – risk management in a COVID-19 world.

For more information on submitting your paper, click here. The first special GAR issue is available here and the second special issue will be published in the coming weeks.

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