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DRI’s Michele Turner, MBCP, Writes Book on Resilience…and Life

April 28, 2021 Leave a comment DRI Admin

With the release of Lessons Learned: Short Stories of Continuity and Resilience, DRI International Board Member and DRI Foundation Director of Giving Michele L. Turner, MBCP, answers the often-asked question: “When is your book coming out?”

“Whenever I would do presentations at industry conferences and events, people would always ask ‘When is your book coming out?’ So, I started writing chapters little by little, and here it is! My goal is really for everyone to get something — a nugget — out of it.”

A self-described “recovering work-a-holic,” Turner drew on close to 30 years of work experience in governance, risk, continuity, and compliance, as well as her life experience and the joys and challenges she’s faced as a daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother. Turner is currently Head of Global Business Resiliency for Amazon.

“It’s really all about work-life integration or harmony for me,” she says. “I had to find a way to harmonize the two.” In doing so, she realized that the lessons she learned personally and professionally overlapped in meaningful ways. “So, in the book, I tell a personal story and share the lessons learned from that. And  then at the end of each chapter, I align that with the business continuity profession. I use an acronym that I’ve found helpful to organize both:  PARSE (Prepare, Assess, Remediate, Sustain, and Examine).”

The result is a heart-warming, informative, and useful read. Turner says “it was therapeutic to get it all out on paper” and that she hopes her experiences are valuable to others. The book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. And be sure to mark your calendars now for Turner’s session at DRI2022, which will be in Las Vegas, NV, from February 13-16, 2022.

About Michele L. Turner

Michele L. Turner, MBCP, FBCI, CISA, CRISC, GRCP, has close to 30 years’ experience in the areas of governance, risk, and compliance, with a Masters of Science degree in Business Continuity from Norwich University. She is the Head of Global Business Resiliency for Amazon. In this role, she has developed the framework and methodology for business continuity, and provides leadership for this team, Crisis Management and Workplace Resiliency within Amazon’s corporate environment. Prior to this, she led governance, risk, compliance, and business continuity roles within Microsoft, initiating the Operational Risk Management vertical for this organization. Turner is an international speaker on the topics of business continuity, risk management, and related areas. She is a requested guest lecturer at the University of Washington on such topics as cybersecurity and operational risk, and a course instructor and Board Director for Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI). She provides input as a Director of Giving within that organization’s Foundation, and is also a member of the Conference Boards’ Business Continuity and Crisis Management Council. Turner is also a published author, with the book: Lessons Learned: Short Stories of Continuity and Resilience available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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