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European Union Announces Top 10 Emerging Cyber Threats

November 18, 2022 Leave a comment DRI Admin

Cyber threats are top of mind for modern resilience professionals – but what kind of threats are coming in the future, and are you ready for them?

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has released a list of security threats it expects to emerge by 2030, as part of a “foresight exercise.” While many of these future threats are relevant to today’s security, ENISA points out that “they will have shifted in character … while increased dependencies and the popularization of new technologies are essential factors driving the changes.”

The top threats:

  1. Supply chain compromise of software dependencies
  2. Advanced disinformation campaigns
  3. Rise of digital surveillance authoritarianism/loss of privacy
  4. Human error and exploited legacy systems within cyber-physical ecosystems
  5. Targeted attacks enhanced by smart device data
  6. Lack of analysis and control of space-based infrastructure and objects
  7. Rise of advanced hybrid threats
  8. Skills shortage
  9. Cross-border ICT service providers as a single point of failure
  10. Artificial intelligence abuse

Learn how to protect your organization with our Cyber Resilience course, an information-packed four-day experience that will provide an understanding of how to address cyber disruptions within a business continuity framework. You’ll discover how business continuity and cybersecurity must integrate within every organization, using the five elements of cyber resilience: prepare/identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover.

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