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Texas Governor Welcomes DRI2023: Praise for DRI and Resilience Professionals

February 26, 2023 Leave a comment DRI Admin

Calling DRI International the industry “gold standard” in certification, Texas Governor Greg Abbott welcomed the DRI2023 conference and attendees to Austin, where resilience professionals from around the world gathered February 26- March 1 to learn, exchange ideas, and give back to their host city.

“As Governor of Texas, I am proud to welcome you to Austin for the Disaster Recovery Institute’s 2023 conference,” Abbott wrote in a welcome letter.  Recognizing the “sophisticated, nuanced” nature of the profession, he went on to call DRI “an authoritative thought leader in the resilience profession.”

“DRI has long paved the way for a safer, more secure tomorrow through its accreditation, education, and independent analyses,” he continued. “It arms governments with sound, apolitical insights, and its certification programs have become the ‘gold standard’ industrywide. Moreover, DRI proves its good will toward those in need by supporting hospitals, food banks, and rescue teams with the DRI Foundation.”

Leading up to three days of expert speakers, hands-on learning, and networking opportunities, DRI2023 attendees gave back to Austin via two Volunteer Day initiatives spearheaded by the DRI Foundation – coaching women entering the workforce with Dress for Success Austin and engaging with a seniors at a  Volunteers of America Texas location.

Read Abbott’s letter in its entirety here.

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