Director's Greeting: Issue #64
Greetings! Birdbrain.In my house, that’s a compliment, especially when the resident avian genius (pictured here) is the one calling you a “Birdbrain!” Her name is Robirda. She rules this roost. Commands barking dogs to “Hush!” Tells my teenage daughter “Go clean your room.” Reminds my son twice a day “Go brush your teeth.” She […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #63
Greetings! Yesterday, I engaged in a plan test of sorts. I went to my first industry event in almost two years! It was the ACP Liberty Valley Chapter meeting, and I can’t thank that group enough for having me. The meeting was awesome, full of timely information on crisis communications, as well as a […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #62
Greetings! The expression “late to the party,” when interpreted literally, doesn’t really apply to me. I’m not much of a party person, and on the rare occasion when I do attend one, I make it a point to be punctual. But as most of you know by now, I have no shame in admitting […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #61
Greetings! Bill and Ted react to the big news! A free lifetime DRI International membership! “No way?!” you say. Well, in the words of George Carlin (see video clip), I say, “Yes way!” Yes, really, a FREE LIFETIME DRI MEMBERSHIP is up for grabs right now!!! And it could be yours. Sounds too good […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #60
The Word- The Beatles (Rubber Soul) Greetings! I don’t send my kids to school to learn how to swear. So, when my son came home and told me that they were going to learn “curseword,” I was both skeptical and a little concerned. Tano: Mom, I can’t even believe it! They’re going to teach us […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #59
Greetings! The alarms went off at The Cloud Factory yesterday afternoon. The Cloud Factory is what my son calls the Limerick Generating Station, better known as the Limerick nuclear power plant. And I’m one of about 300,000 people who live within 10 miles of it. Actually, our house is no more than two miles […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #58
Greetings! Do you like me? Yes No Hands shaking, my son, Tano, handed me the crumpled piece of yellow paper (photographic evidence included here) on which was scrawled this survey question (minus the question mark). The note was passed to him by a go-between on behalf of Aliyah (the class’ best artist), who has been […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #57
Greetings!Tano: Mom, why do we have a picture of somebody going potty hanging in our car?Good question. So, after I explained to my ever-curious boy (he gets that from me) what that sign really means, we got into a discussion of why I need it. And we talked about how there are some places I […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #56
Greetings! Hazardous Runways I’m all about the silver lining. My cup isn’t half full; it runneth over. I keep my shades handy because I can always find the bright side. And here it is: this week, I’m keeping company with supermodels! That’s a stretch, and not just because I’m 5’2″. Why supermodels? Well, it’s because […] View MoreDirector's Greeting: Issue #55
Greetings! There’s snake in my house. That’s not a figure of speech, and it’s not a snarky commentary on the character of a family member. There’s really a snake in my house. My son named it “Fantastic Mr. Brown,” which is a BIG name for a little snake, and this teeny tiny guy could hide […] View More