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DRI Presents at 11th Corporate Governance Summit in Istanbul

January 31, 2018 Leave a comment DRI Admin

DRI recently presented at the 11th Corporate Governance Summit, held in Istanbul, Turkey, this January by Turkey’s Corporate Governance Association (TKYD). There were 500+ attendees, including the CEOs and Board Directors, for the largest Turkish companies and local subsidiaries of global companies. The organization promotes strong corporate governance and transparency.

This year’s summit theme was “Corporate Governance’s Driving Force: Resilience and Durability,” focusing on organizational resilience and sustainability including a discussion of the implications of these two disciplines at the policy level.

“I was pleased to see a serious discussion of resilience at the Board and C-suite level,” said DRI President and CEO Chloe Demrovsky. “As we know, executive buy-in is critical to the success of any program and forums like this one can help promote that awareness.”

For more information on the event, click here. Additional pictures can be found in our photo album. You can also download the presentation from the DRI Resource Library.

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